

細川和宏,秋山大輔,安倍広多,石橋勇人,松浦敏雄,P2Pネットワークを用いた時刻付き位置情報管理方式の提案,情報処理学会研究報告,Vol. 2010-IOT-8, No. 10, pp. 1–6, (2010-3).



This paper proposes time-attached geoinformation management schemes using P2P network. We considered three schemes: using two-dimensional Z-curve, using three-dimensional Z-curve, and using rectangular parallelepipeds on three-dimensional space. In each scheme, curves or spaces are split into fragments and each fragment is managed by a peer in a peer-to-peer network. Experiments for evaluating number of required peers to manage and required hop counts for range queries demonstrate that the scheme based on rectangular parallelepipeds is the most efficient.